I Actually Did It!
A New Book by Dr. StephEn Shainbart

First Trump...
Now Coronavirus...
Had Enough?
Thinking about Moving to Canada?
After Trump was elected in 2016, many Americans considered becoming Canadian, but few did.
I Actually Did It.
Maybe you can too.
Read all about it.
What's this book about?

On the evening that Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States, Canada’s immigration website crashed because so many people, especially Americans, were researching moving to Canada. Yet despite all of this, only relatively few Americans actually moved to Canada because of Donald Trump.
I Actually Did It! is the story of an American, a New Yorker, who spent the years after the 2016 election researching and undertaking the surprisingly difficult and complex process of emigrating to Canada. In November 2019, three years after my journey began on that fateful night, I finally became Canadian.
I Actually Did It! is an honest report back to Americans about the path that was considered - but not taken - by so many Americans. This book is the story of my journey. It is a story that includes:
1) An honest description of what the journey to become Canadian was really like (hint: not easy)
2) A memoir of the personal reasons why I think I went through with becoming Canadian while most Americans didn’t
3) A how-to-book on how to begin the process of emigrating to Canada
4) Humorous and insightful stories and musings on being an American living among Canadians
5) My own analyses explaining why the United States may be headed for significant trouble even if Trump is defeated in 2020 (and obviously for worse trouble if he wins)
6) A comparison of American vs. Canadian history and culture, and how these countries are more different than many people realize
7) Fun and informative to read
My StoRY
I was born in Manhattan and lived my entire life in New York. Right after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, I started researching the possibility of emigrating to Canada. I had plenty of company, because so many Americans flooded the Canadian immigration website that it crashed. But of all these people, very few actually followed through. I dedicated the next three years to becoming an official Canadian, and finally became one in November 2019.
My journey to become Canadian was surprisingly difficult, challenging, and at times downright bizarre. For example, I had to take a three hour test on my ability to speak English. My application process was blocked for months by the Canadian government because I have nipples (yes, you read that correctly).
And this is only the beginning of my story. In this book I want to tell you what my immigration process, and Canada itself, is like. Especially given what is going on in the USA now.
Read My Press:


For any media inquiries, please contact Stephen Shainbart at:
shainbart@iactuallydidit.com or fill out Contact form below
Read Article in Toronto Star about My Book and My Journey

TV Appearance

Read a recent article about me moving to Canada in Fast Company Magazine

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